SEO for Family Law Firms

Become the top choice on Google for your potential clients with our unparalleled expertise in SEO for family law firms.

Feeling lost in the search engine shuffle? Outshine local competitors with our expert SEO services for divorce lawyers and other family law pros! SeoProfy’s savvy team will boost your digital visibility and ensure you get high-quality organic traffic that results in actual conversions.

family law seo
Clients organic traffic per month
Average return on investment

Supercharge your success with family law SEO!

Higher rankings

SeoProfy helped the client gradually improve their website trust level. Their team impressed the client with their timeliness and customer-oriented approach.

Bohdan Lysenko
Business Development Specialist, Global Bilgi
More high-quality traffic

With SeoProfy’s assistance, the client has increased website clicks by 26%, impressions by 21%, and organic traffic by 13 within six months.

CMO, Freelance Writing Platform
More sales

SeoProfy helped the client increase sales revenue, customer satisfaction, market share, and employee productivity.

Alex Kotlarevsky
SEO Specialist, Creative Agency

Why you need SEO for family law and divorce attorneys

Let’s face it — whenever people need to find anything these days, they turn to Google search. A family law attorney is no exception.

Whether someone is looking for a divorce lawyer, a child custody attorney, or another family law expert, they’ll likely start their search online. So, you risk falling off the radar unless your firm has a strong digital presence.

Family law SEO is your way of dodging this situation. Here’s what you get with professional SEO services:

  • Higher SE ranking — potential clients will be more likely to discover your firm.
  • Increased targeted traffic — you’ll draw prospective clients who are actively seeking a family law attorney.
  • Competitive edge — you’ll position your firm as the leader in your target location.
  • Higher conversions — SEO for family lawyers isn’t just about clicks; it’s about turning those clicks into actual clients.

Don’t let your competitors steal the spotlight! Harness the power of search engine optimization and pave the way for your business success.

The best family law SEO company to reach digital excellence!

With thousands of digital marketers out there, finding a vendor of SEO for family law services shouldn’t be difficult. Everyone promises ‘impressive’ results and might even boost your traffic.

But here’s the catch: traffic means nothing if it doesn’t translate to sales. This is where SeoProfy steps in with its distinctive approach. In our search engine optimization efforts, we ditch meaningless clicks and put your long-term success in the spotlight. What does it mean exactly?

We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions for law firm SEO. Our team invests time in getting to know your business and creating a tailor-made, revenue-driven SEO strategy.

Here are a few (but not all) things that we can do for you:

  • SEO audit service
  • Keyword research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Link building services
  • Content optimization

Whatever your SEO needs, we’ve got you covered. So, are you ready to propel your law practice to the top of the market?

Tap the button above to schedule a free consultation.
We work with companies from:
inc 5000

Competitive SEO strategies for family lawyers

How exactly does our family law SEO help you dominate the online legal landscape? The secret lies in our top-tier SEO strategies. Let’s take a sneak peek at a few of them:

Creating valuable content

Claiming the top spot in search engine rankings isn’t just about technical stuff. It also hinges on relevant content that resonates with your audience.

We’ll ensure that your content is a treasure trove of value — always updated and optimized.

Managing technical SEO

Achieving success with your SEO campaign is impossible if your URLs are messy, your family law website is filled with duplicated content, and redirects are broken.

We’ll do an SEO audit to identify and address tech glitches on your site, ensuring it remains healthy.

Improving keyword ranking

Most customers click on those first few results on SERP. So, having a high keyword ranking is like securing the best spot in a crowded marketplace.

Our family and divorce lawyer SEO experts will help you rank for high-volume, high-ranking keywords, getting you to the top.

Enhancing user experience

Search engines won’t give you the spotlight if visitors enter your family law firm’s website only to make a quick exit in frustration.

In our family lawyer SEO, we prioritize an enjoyable user experience. From intuitive navigation to mobile-friendliness, we will detect every glitch.

Mastering backlinks

Backlinks from reputable sources improve your family law website’s credibility for search engines. It means higher ranking and referral traffic.

We’ll build a quality backlink portfolio for your law firm’s website through guest blogging, shareable assets, and other proven tactics.

SEO monitoring

SEO for a family law firm is more than a climb to the top; it’s about staying there.

We’ll closely watch your metrics, ensuring your SEO strategy unfolds as planned. If there’s a detour, we’ll adjust it to steer you towards your goals.

Trust us to deliver real SEO results that will set you apart in the online crowd!

How can we be confident that our family law SEO will turn into actual, tangible results – not just bland metrics?

Here’s the secret: We don’t throw promises around unless we’re sure we can deliver on them. The typical process at our SEO company starts with a thorough SEO audit.

We just won’t proceed if your goals are out of our reach.

Hire top family law SEO experts for your firm!

Concerned about hiring an SEO company only to be assigned junior staff or generalists lacking expertise in SEO for family law attorneys? With SeoProfy, that never happens.

SEO is our bread and butter, and we have strong niche expertise in SEO for family law attorneys. This means we know all the nuances, SEO best practices, and trends. Partnering with us, you get a team of top-notch SEO professionals and a VIP-level service.

seo team

Your family law SEO team will always keep you in the loop

We leave no room for uncertainty — whether you’ve got burning questions, brilliant ideas, or just want to check your project progress.

Weekly reports

On Monday, your team will brief you on their backlog for the next week. And on Friday, they’ll wrap it up with a detailed report on all the tasks.

Weekly calls

Once a week, you’ll hop on a call with your family law SEO team to discuss results, ask questions, provide feedback, and so on.


We’re always a message away on Telegram, WhatsApp, and Slack. Send your requests anytime, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

We call a spade a spade. No hidden agendas with our family law SEO company

Clear pricing is guaranteed

We’ll give you a fair quote for our family law SEO services, calculated based on your needs and project requirements. No surprises, hidden costs, or sudden price bumps simply because your budget exceeds our estimate.

We cut to the chase and speak plainly

At SeoProfy, we believe in straight talk — not just when things go right but also when they don’t. You’ll know everything. And if a curveball comes our way, no secrets. We’ll immediately suggest the remedy strategies.

Realistic promises, honest approach

We won’t promise the moon. Instead, we’ll lay out achievable results. If your expectations soar beyond reality, we’ll be upfront about it and work together to create a more attainable plan.

The process of SEO for family lawyers

Kicking off the project

Once you reach out, we schedule a brief call to learn more about your business, expectations, and competitors.

Researching your niche

Next, we audit your website and research your niche to identify key areas for improvement.

Creating a tailored SEO strategy

At this pivotal stage, we craft a data-driven SEO strategy customized to your needs and business context.

Assembling a team

We handpick experts with the right skills and experience for your family law SEO project.

Setting up a workflow

We establish a routine workflow, outline recurring tasks, and adjust processes based on your project needs.

Reviewing the progress

Once a week, we get on a call to talk about progress, tackle critical matters, and make sure everyone’s on the same page.

Tailored SEO solutions for your legal firm

When you choose us, we don’t settle for the ordinary.

We delve into your business context to create a tailored SEO strategy that will steer your law practice toward its big goals.

Forget about run-of-the-mill website optimization solutions and mediocre results. Prepare for an SEO journey where every step is as unique as your business.

victor karpenko

Make the best SEO decision for your family law website!

Still on the fence about family law SEO? Let’s erase those doubts with a free, no-strings-attached consultation. We’ll chat about:

  • Boosting your targeted traffic
  • Captivating visitors with value-packed content
  • Converting clicks into conversions
seo case study


Local SEO is crucial for law firms, especially in family and divorce lawyer marketing, as it enhances online visibility in specific geographic areas. As a result, a law firm appears prominently in relevant searches, attracting potential clients in its target location.

At SeoProfy, we specialize in both international and local SEO and can help you get qualified leads, whatever your request.

Absolutely! We’re not just experts in search engine optimization for divorce lawyers and other family law attorneys but also have solid experience working with other types of legal businesses. SeoProfy extends its SEO services to personal injury lawyers, bankruptcy lawyers, and more. With a wealth of SEO tips at hand, we know how to propel these law practices ahead of the online competition.

Certainly. Expert link building services for lawyers are a part of our SEO for divorce lawyers and other family law pros. At SeoProfy, we understand the unique needs of legal businesses. Link building is one of the proven tactics to enhance their online visibility and authority.

Boost your online visibility and client reach with our results-driven family law SEO. Transparency and professionalism are guaranteed!

Claim your free consultation now to dive into the nitty-gritty. Share the details about your family law practice, and together, we’ll figure out how to help it outshine competitors in the online legal arena with our SEO services.

Victor Karpenko